- > XV Международный конкурс
- > Т.Русанова монография
- > Е.Клочкова монография
- > И.В. Степанова монография
- > Научная конференция сборник
- > Семинары
- > Мастер-классы
- > Концерт класса Русановой и Вакера
- > V Творческая школа
- > IV Международная творческая школа 2020
- > III Творческая школа 2019
- > Авторские курсы 25-29 марта 2019
- > Творческая школа 2018
- > Творческая школа 2017
XIV Международный конкурс
- > Положение
- > XIV International Competition
- > Regulation
- > Organizing Committeе
- > Расписание конкурсных прослушиваний
- > Буклет
- > Фортепиано соло
- > Фортепианный ансамбль
- > Академический вокал соло
- > Академический вокальный ансамбль
- > Камерный инструментальный ансамбль
- > Духовые
- > Струнные
- > Искусство концертмейстера
- > Композиция
- > Композитор-исполнитель
- > Искусство педагога
- > Методические чтения
XIII Международный конкурс
- > Положение
- > Regulations
- > Приветствие конкурсу
- > Жюри XIII Международного конкурса
- > Фортепиано соло участники
- > итоги
- > Фортепианный ансамбль участники
- > итоги
- > Академический вокал соло участники
- > итоги
- > Камерный инструментальный ансамбль
- > итоги
- > Искусство концертмейстера-участники
- > итоги
- > Струнные участники
- > итоги
- > Духовые-участники
- > итоги
- > Композиция участники
- > итоги
- > Композитор-исполнитель-участники
- > итоги
- > Методические чтения-участники
- > Итоги
XII Международный конкурс
- > XII Международный конкурс
- > Итоги конкурса
- > XII International Competition
- > Открытие XII Международного конкурса
- > Расписание очных конкурсных прослушиваний и репетиций
- > Объявления для заочных участников конкурса
- > Лекции
- > Мастер-классы
- > Памятка участникам конкурса
- > Буклет XII международного конкурса
- > XI Международный конкурс
Х Международный конкурс
- > Концерт лауреатов X-го Международного конкурса
- > Открытие X-го Международного конкурса
- > расписание конкурсных прослушиваний
- > положение о Х Международном конкурсе
- > Итоги X-го Международного конкурса
- > Фортепиано соло
- > Фортепианный ансамбль
- > Вокал
- > Струнные
- > Духовые
- > Камерный ансамбль
- > Искусство концертмейстера
- > Композитор-исполнитель
- > Композиция
- > Методические чтения Искусство педагога
- > IX Международный конкурс
- > VIII Международный конкурс
- > VII Международный конкурс
- > VI Международный конкурс
- > VI Международный конкурс музыкантов на Кипре
- > V Международный конкурс музыкантов на Кипре
- > V Международный конкурс
- > IV Международный конкурс
- > III Международный конкурс
- > II Международный конкурс
- > I Международный конкурс
- > Афиша сезона 2023-2024
- > Афиша сезона 2022-2023
- > Афиша сезона 2021-2022
- > Афиша сезона 2020-2021
- > Афиша сезона 2019-2020
Афиша сезона 2018-2019
- > 19 апреля 2019 концерт-лекция музыка современности
- > 19 марта 2019 концерт-лекция Музыка Романтизма
- > 19 февраля 2019 25 лет Шубертовскому обществу
- > 6 марта 2019
- > 4 декабря 2018 венская классика
- > 2018 год музыки Россия-Австрия
- > 6 ноября 2018 Музыка Барокко
- > 2 октября 2018 от истоков к горизонтам
- > 6 января 2019 сольный концерт
- > 14 мая 2019 Композиторы Гнесинского Дома
- > Афиша сезона 2017-2018
- > Афиша сезона 2016-2017
- > Афиша сезона 2015/2016
- > Афиша сезона 2014-2015
- > Афиша сезона 2013/2014
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Gnesin Russian Academy of Music
Russian Schubert Society
Alemdar Karamanov Center for Support and Development of Contemporary Art
XIII International Competition for Musicians–Performers and Composers
“Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond”
Dedicated to the Memory of Elena F. Gnesina
June 20 – 30, 2022, Moscow
The Competition is a member of the Russian Association of Musical Competitions.
Information partners of the Competition: the Russian Association of Musical Competitions, the newspaper “Musical Review”.
the competition is held by video recordings
video recordings for virtual participation can be submitted until June 10, 2022, via email f_romant@mail.ru
Those who participate off-site should send their video recordings together with the application form, or until June 10, 2022 at the following address: f_romant@mail.ru
1.Cultural and Educational Goals of the Competetion
- To broaden cultural connections and to improve cooperation between already established and young musicians from Moscow and other regions of Russia as well as from abroad.
- We facilitate the exchange between central and peripheral institutions of higher musical education.
- We strive to promote the intersections of classical and modern artistic styles and traditions.
- One of our main goals is to discover and support talented performers and composers from all regions of Russia and abroad.
- We facilitate communication and networking among representatives of different artistic professions.
- We encourage musicians to turn to the Romantic music of the past and modern music influenced by Romanticism, discovering new interpretive approaches to Romantic art.
- We bring to the attention of our public the works of important twentieth and twenty-first centuries composers.
2. The Nominations of the Competition
Section I. Classical Music Performance
1. Piano Solo
- Piano Ensemble
- Vocal Solo
- Vocal Ensemble
- Chamber Instrumental Ensemble
- Art of the Accompaniment
- Orchestra Instruments Solo:
а) Strings
b) Winds
Section II. Composition and Composer-Performer
- Composition
- Composer-Performer
Section III. Musical Pedagogy
1. Musical Teacher
2. Methodology Readings (a conference on methodology)
The Competition includes five age groups:
- group: up to 9
- group: from 10 to 13
- group: from 14 to 18
- group: from 19 to 28
- group: from 29 to unlimited
The age group should correspond to the participant's age at the beginning of the Competition. In the nominations “Chamber Instrumental Ensemble”, “Piano Ensemble” and “Vocal Ensemble” age group is determined by the age of the oldest participant.
3. Program requirements
Auditions in all nominations are held in one stage.
Section I. Classical Music Performance (all nominations). The program must include three pieces and include works from different epochs, styles and genres:
1.One or several works by Baroque or Classical composers.
2.One or several works by Romantic composers (West European or Russian).
3.One or several works by 20th and 21st century composers (of any national origin).
In the nomination Piano Solo performers are not allowed to perform concertos.
In all nominations performers are allowed to perform several parts of cyclical works.
Participants in the nomination Chamber Instrumental Ensemble, Piano Ensemble, Voice Ensemble and the Art of the Accompaniment are allowed to use the score. In all other nominations musicians must perform by heart.
Section II. Composition and Composer-Performer
Nomination Composition:
One or several works of participant's own composition in any genre. The scores in formats *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.tif, *.pdf and audio recordings in mp3 are to be sent via email along with the application. The duration of performance is determined by the age of the participant (see below). In this nomination only remote participation is possible.
Nomination Composer-Performer:
One or several works of participant's own composition performed by the composer himself (one may also perform in an ensemble). Participants may use the scores or play by heart. The scores should be sent via email together with the application. Participants must also bring their scores (printed on paper) along on the day of Registration and submit them at the Registration desk. The duration of performance depends on the participant’s age group (see below).
Section III. Musical Pedagogy:
Nomination Teacher of Music:
One should conduct an open lesson with one's student on a topic chosen by the participant himself:
- One or several works by Baroque or Classical composers.
- One or several works by Romantic composers (West European or Russian).
- One or several works by 20th and 21st century composers (from any country)
Nomination Methodology Readings:
A presentation on a topic relevant to current debates in musicology, musical pedagogy, psychology, or teaching methodology (chosen by the participant himself). One may present in Russian or English. Remote participation is possible. In case of remote participation the text of the presentation is sent along with the application materials. The text should not exceed 25 000 signs. The font: Times New Roman 14 (the title and the main body of the text) and Times New Roman 12 (notes).
4. Duration of performance
Age groups:
1 group: up to 8 minutes.
2 group: 7-10 minutes.
3 group: 12-15 minutes. In the nominations “Vocal Solo” and “Vocal Ensemble” no longer than 10 minutes;
4 group: 15-20 minutes. In the nominations “Vocal Solo” and “Vocal Ensemble” no longer than 15 minutes.
5 group: 15-20 minutes. In the nominations “Vocal Solo” and “Vocal Ensemble” no longer than 15 minutes.
In the nomination “The Art of Accompaniment” the length of performance is determined by the age of the soloist whom theparticipant in this category accompanies.
In the section “Musical Pedagogy” only the musicians of the 4th and 5th age groups may take part.
Nomination Teacher of Music
The duration of the open lesson should not exceed 20 minutes.
Nomination Methodology Readings
The duration of the presentation (including musical illustrations) should not exceed 15 minutes.
If the participant performs longer than allowed, the jury may interrupt him or shorten the program.
5. Video recording demands (in case of distant participation)
The participants must send us a video recording of their performance, which conforms to the rules described above.
The entire performance may be saved in a single file, or individual pieces may be saved in separate files, without montage or any other special effects, with high quality sound.
We accept video recordings made at concerts, at home or in a classroom. There should be no background noise.
The video must show the face and hands of the performer and his instrument. If this is an ensemble, all members should be seen in the video recording.
Video file or link to an online resource can be either included with the application (which is due on April 30) or sent separately, so that we receive it by June 10.
Full name of the performer(s) and nomination should be included in the email.
Video recordings that do not conform to our requirements will not be considered.
Off-site (distant) participants should email their recording to f_romant@mail.ru
The email must include the name of the participant and the nomination. The link to the video should be valid until June 30, 2022
6. Competition Results
The winners of the Competition in every nomination and age group are awarded the Certificates of the Laureate (I, II, III level) and Diploma-holder (I, II, III level) of the International Competition.
Other participants receive the Certificates of Participant in the International Competition.
The names of the teachers and accompanists of the Laureates will be included in the Diplomas if their names are included in the application.
The decision of the Jury is final and cannot be appealed.
The announcement of the results, the awards ceremony and the concert of the winners will take place on the same day.
Distant participants and those who for whatever reason do not receive their Diploma at the closing ceremony will receive their Diplomas by email.
The laureates also get invited to take part in the concerts of the International Art Forum “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond”. The concerts will take place in The Gnesin Russian Academy of Music and other concert halls in Moscow.
7. Documents to be Submitted with the Application
The documents that must be submitted to the Admissions Committee:
1) Filled out Application (it must be prepared in Word!). The name of the file should contain the participant's first and last names. For example: John Smith.
2) Photo (*.jpg). The name of the file must contain the participant's name. For example: John Smith. 3) A copy of a Birth Certificate or Passport. 4) A copy of a Diploma or a Certificate from the school or another academic institution. 5) A short creative biography (optional). 6) Recommendation written by a teacher, an academic institution or another organization (optional). 7) A copy of the receipt proving that the application fee has been paid.
Application Fee for solo performers, composers and participants in the section Musical Pedagogy is 6000 rubles / 100 USD / 90 Euros. The organization fee for an ensemble or choir is 4000 rubles / 60 USD / 50 Euros from each participant.
Application fee will not be returned. The participants who applied to study in the 6th International Summer School (see below) the application fee for taking part in the Competition as a solo performer or as a participant in the Musical Pedagogy section is 4000 rubles / 70 USD / 60 Euros. Application feefor ensembles is 3000 rubles / 50 USD / 40 Euros from each participant.
Bank information for making payments: ООО «Центр поддержки и развития современного искусства им. А. Караманова» к/с 30101810200000000700 БИК 044525700 Payment order for: Application fee For foreign participants:
Application, documents and the copy of receipt / proof of payment should be emailed to f_romant@mail.ru by April 30, 2022. All materials should be sent as attachments in one email message. Please indicate participant’s last name, the initials, and the Competition Nomination as the subject of your email (for example: Smith, John. Piano Solo).
8. Clarifications
The Organizing Committee assists the participants with finding comfortable and moderately priced housing in Moscow.
If you require help please contact us by phone +7 985 193 24 82 or email f_romant@mail.ru
The expenses should be covered by the organizations that support the participants or participants themselves (travel, accommodation, food).
The soloists can take part together with their collaborative musician or request a collaborative musician from the Organizing Committee.
The services of the collaborative musician should be paid by the participant or his sponsor.
The fee for one rehearsal (45 minutes) is 1500 rubles.
The fee for performance at the Competition including the acoustics rehearsal is 2 000 rubles.
If you would like to hire collaborative musician, please indicate this in your application.
The payment can be processed during Registration.
Exclusive rights to audio and video recording of the Competition, the Opening and the Final Concerts, as well as the concerts of the cycle “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond” belong to the Organizing Committee.
The Organizing Committee has an exclusive right to use at will audio and video materials recorded at the Competition; the recordings received from participants; and the audio and video recordings of the Laureates’ performances at the “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond.”
By submitting their application, participants thereby accept all conditions of the Competition, including agreement to be recorded and published in the media, and provides the organizers with their personal information.
9. International Summer School
The VIth International Summer School for performers and composers dedicated to the memory of Elena F. Gnesina will take part from June 20 to June 30, 2022 in The Gnesin Russian Academy of Music.
Musical teachers, students of all ages, graduate students and assistants, professional musicians and music lovers are cordially invited to take part in this Summer School.
It is possible to take part both in the Competition and in the Summer School.
The School offers instruction in the disciplines which correspond to the Competition nominations:
- Piano Solo
- Piano Ensemble
- Vocal Solo
- Vocal Ensemble
- Chamber Instrumental Ensemble
- Art of the Accompaniment
- Orchestra Instruments Solo:
- Composition
- Composer-Performer
The program of the International Summer School will include: master classes, practical seminars, the lectures by Jury members – all of them are Professors of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music and the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory.
Each student who has taken part in the International Summer School will receive a Certificate indicating that he received 72 hours of instruction.
10. Summer School Admission Requirements
Pupils of music schools for children, children art schools, students of colleges and conservatories, graduate students and assistants, teachers, students receiving private instruction may apply to the Summer School. The participants who wish to receive instruction in piano and other instruments solo must have had prior instruction for minimum of 5 years. There are no age limits.
PASSIVE PARTICIPАTION: Pupils of music schools for children, children art schools, students of colleges and conservatories, graduate students and assistants, teachers, students receiving private instruction may apply to the Summer School to become passive participants. There are no prerequisites or age limits.
- Participation in three master classes and /or in practical seminars;
- Attending three lectures;
- Taking part in a guided tour to the Elena Gnesina’s Memorial Museum-Apartment and The Scriabin Memorial Museum;
- Attending all auditions at the XIII International Competition “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond.”
- Attending the Opening and the Closing Gala of the XIII International Competition “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond.”
- One may receive a Certificate for 72 hours of passive participation in the Competition
- Attending the sessions of the XIII International Competition “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond.”
- Attending the Opening and the Closing Concerts of the XIII International Competition “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond”.
- Participants receive a Certificate that confirms their participation in the International
Summer School dedicated to the memory of Elena F. Gnesina. (72 hours).
The organization fee for active participants of the Summer School is:
Performers and composers: 15 000 rubles / 250 USD / 200 Euros.
Vocal performers with their own accompanist: 15 000 rubles / 250 USD / 200 Euros.
Vocal performers with our accompanist: 20 000 rubles / 280 USD / 250 Euros.
Instrumental Chamber Ensemble and Vocal Ensemble: 8000 rubles / 140 USD / 120 Euros from each participant.
- Attending three master classes and / or practical seminars;
- Attending three lectures;
- A guided tour to the Elena Gnesina’s Memorial Museum-Apartment and The Scriabin Memorial Museum;
- Attending all auditions of the XIIIth International Competition “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond”;
- Attending the Opening and Final Concerts of the XIIIth International Competition “Romanticism: Its Origins and Beyond”;
- Receiving the Certificate that confirms participation in the Summer School (72 hours). Passive participation.
Application fee for passive participants is 7000 rubles / 120 USD / 110 Euros.
11. Documents and Application Materials
To apply please fill out the Application Form available at the following link
Please attach the documents mentioned in sections 2-3, the scores for the accompanist (if one uses the services of our accompanists).
One may send us a complete dossier with all the required documents without filling out the Application Form. Please email all documents to f_roman@mail.ru
1.The following application (should be filled out in Word):
Specialization. Type of participation |
First and Last Name of the participant |
Country and city represented by the participant |
Date of Birth (for example, 27.08.1980) |
Place of work or study |
The name of the teacher |
Program (for active participants) |
- The copy of passport (the front page and registration) or birth certificate.
- The payment receipt which proves that the participant paid the application fee
Bank requisite for Summer School Participants in rubles:
OOO “Tsentr podderzhki i razvitia sovremennogo iskusstva imeni A. Karamanova”
INN 7710582934
KPP 502701001
Account Number: 40702810600001460420 in AO “Raiffeisenbank”
Routing Number 30101810200000000700
BIC 044525700
Purpose: Application fee
Bank requisites for payment in US dollars or Euros (for foreign participants)
Beneficiary’s Bank |
Raiffeisenbank AO |
Beneficiary’s Bank address |
129090 Russia, Moscow, Troitskaya Street 17, bld. 1 |
S.W.I.F.T. |
Beneficiary’s Acc. Number |
40702810600001460420 |
Beneficiary |
OOO “Tsentr podderzhki i razvitiya sovremennogo iskusstva im. Alemdara Karamanova” 140000 Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Smirnovskaya, 21-2-32 |
Remittance Information |
Application fee |
Application fee will not be returned.
All expenses connected with participation in the Summer School (travel, accommodations, food) are covered by the participants or their sponsors. The Organizing Committee assists the participants in finding comfortable and affordable accommodations.
The deadline for receiving Applications is April 30, 2022. Applications should be sent by email to: f_romant@mail.ru
Detailed Information about the Competition and the Summer School can be found on these sites:
Contact information:
+7 985 193 24 82 from 10:00 to 20:00.
Email: f_romant@mail.ru