- > XVI Международный конкурс
- > Т.Русанова монография
- > Е.Клочкова монография
- > И.В. Степанова монография
- > Научная конференция сборник
- > Семинары
- > Мастер-классы
- > Концерт класса Русановой и Вакера
- > V Творческая школа
- > IV Международная творческая школа 2020
- > III Творческая школа 2019
- > Авторские курсы 25-29 марта 2019
- > Творческая школа 2018
- > Творческая школа 2017
- > Караманов VI ММК
- > XV Международный конкурс
XIV Международный конкурс
- > Положение
- > XIV International Competition
- > Regulation
- > Organizing Committeе
- > Расписание конкурсных прослушиваний
- > Буклет
- > Фортепиано соло
- > Фортепианный ансамбль
- > Академический вокал соло
- > Академический вокальный ансамбль
- > Камерный инструментальный ансамбль
- > Духовые
- > Струнные
- > Искусство концертмейстера
- > Композиция
- > Композитор-исполнитель
- > Искусство педагога
- > Методические чтения
XIII Международный конкурс
- > Положение
- > Regulations
- > Приветствие конкурсу
- > Жюри XIII Международного конкурса
- > Фортепиано соло участники
- > итоги
- > Фортепианный ансамбль участники
- > итоги
- > Академический вокал соло участники
- > итоги
- > Камерный инструментальный ансамбль
- > итоги
- > Искусство концертмейстера-участники
- > итоги
- > Струнные участники
- > итоги
- > Духовые-участники
- > итоги
- > Композиция участники
- > итоги
- > Композитор-исполнитель-участники
- > итоги
- > Методические чтения-участники
- > Итоги
XII Международный конкурс
- > XII Международный конкурс
- > Итоги конкурса
- > XII International Competition
- > Открытие XII Международного конкурса
- > Расписание очных конкурсных прослушиваний и репетиций
- > Объявления для заочных участников конкурса
- > Лекции
- > Мастер-классы
- > Памятка участникам конкурса
- > Буклет XII международного конкурса
- > XI Международный конкурс
Х Международный конкурс
- > Концерт лауреатов X-го Международного конкурса
- > Открытие X-го Международного конкурса
- > расписание конкурсных прослушиваний
- > положение о Х Международном конкурсе
- > Итоги X-го Международного конкурса
- > Фортепиано соло
- > Фортепианный ансамбль
- > Вокал
- > Струнные
- > Духовые
- > Камерный ансамбль
- > Искусство концертмейстера
- > Композитор-исполнитель
- > Композиция
- > Методические чтения Искусство педагога
- > IX Международный конкурс
- > VIII Международный конкурс
- > VII Международный конкурс
- > VI Международный конкурс
- > VI Международный конкурс музыкантов на Кипре
- > V Международный конкурс музыкантов на Кипре
- > V Международный конкурс
- > IV Международный конкурс
- > III Международный конкурс
- > II Международный конкурс
- > I Международный конкурс
- > Афиша сезона 2024-2025
- > Афиша сезона 2023-2024
- > Афиша сезона 2022-2023
- > Афиша сезона 2021-2022
- > Афиша сезона 2020-2021
- > Афиша сезона 2019-2020
Афиша сезона 2018-2019
- > 19 апреля 2019 концерт-лекция музыка современности
- > 19 марта 2019 концерт-лекция Музыка Романтизма
- > 19 февраля 2019 25 лет Шубертовскому обществу
- > 6 марта 2019
- > 4 декабря 2018 венская классика
- > 2018 год музыки Россия-Австрия
- > 6 ноября 2018 Музыка Барокко
- > 2 октября 2018 от истоков к горизонтам
- > 6 января 2019 сольный концерт
- > 14 мая 2019 Композиторы Гнесинского Дома
- > Афиша сезона 2017-2018
- > Афиша сезона 2016-2017
- > Афиша сезона 2015/2016
- > Афиша сезона 2014-2015
- > Афиша сезона 2013/2014
VIII International competition
of performers and composers
"Romanticism: its Origins and Beyond"
in memory of Elena Gnessina
(June 23 – June 30 , 2016, Moscow)
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Gnessins’ Russian Academy of Music
Russian Schubert Society
Alemdar Karamanov Center for the Promotion of Modern Art
VIII International competition of performers and composers
"Romanticism: its Origins and Beyond"
in memory of Elena Gnessina
(June 23 – June 30 , 2016, Moscow)
Objectives of the Competition:
Propaganda of Romantic music from the past and present. Fostering the interaction of classical tradition with new progressive tendencies in the performing arts. Mobilization of music’s aesthetic and cultivating potential for the benefit of our liberal education. Identifying major contemporary trends in the interpretation of music of Romanticism and the adjacent periods. Identifying and supporting talented musicians and composers. Establishment of new professional contacts between musicians working in different genres. Sharing and use of teaching experience in various genres of music.
Time and place:
The competition will be held from June 23 to June 30, 2016 in Moscow, at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.
Section I. Classical music performance
1. Piano - solo
2. Piano ensemble
3. Vocal - solo
4. Vocal ensemble
5. Chamber instruments ensemble
6. Accompanist
7. Solo orchestral instruments
a) strings
b) winds
Section II. Composition and composer performance
- Composition
- Composer-performer
Section III. Mastery of musical pedagogy
- Master class.
- Presentation on teaching methods
Age categories:
The competition has four age categories in all nominations.
Category 1: 12 years and under (Sections I and II only);
Category 2: from 13 years to 17 years (Sections I and II only);
Category 3: from 18 years to 25 years;
Category 4: from 26 years and up
Program requirements:
Auditions are held in one round for all nominations.
Section I. Classical music performance (all nominations):
1. One or more works by composers of the Romantic era (West European or Russian).
2. One or more works by composers of the Baroque or Classicism.
Section II. I. Composers and composer-performers
One or several pieces of own composition in any genre. (Sheet music must be submitted by the contestant on the opening day of competition).
Composer-soloist or composer in an ensemble:
Present one or several pieces of one’s own composition in any genre, own performance (Sheet music must be submitted by the contestant on the opening day of competition).
Section III. Musical pedagogy
Master class: with own (or other) student, as chosen by the contestant:
1. One or more works by composers of the Romantic era (Western European or Russian).
2. One or more works by composers of the Baroque or Classicism.
Presentation on teaching methods should be prepared with regard to the relevant questions of music pedagogy and methodology, as chosen by the contestant.
Duration of performance:
Category 1 (under 12 years old): 10-15 minutes (Vocals up to 10 minutes);
Category 2 (13 – 17 years): 15-25 minutes (Vocals up to 8-12 minutes);
Category 3 (18 – 25 years old): 20-30 minutes (Vocals 12-15 minutes)
Category 4 (26 years and older): 25-35 minutes (Vocals 12-20 minutes).
Master class:
Category 3: 20-30 minutes;
Category 4: 30-35 minutes.
Presentation on teaching methods:
Category 3: 15-20 minutes;
Category 4: 20-25 minutes.
Documents for participation in the competition:
a) An application must be submitted as a MS Word document in the following format:
Age category
Day, month and year of birth
Address and postcode
Contact phone number, e-mail
Place of work or study (position)
Information about the teacher
The need for an accompanist, or illustrator
The program to be performed at the competition
Accommodation request (number of people)
b) photo (in JPEG format)
c) A copy of a birth certificate or passport
d) A copy of the highest degree diploma or transcript
e) Short artistic autobiography
f) Recommendation from the teacher, school, or other arts organization (optional)
g) Please make a note on your application that you guarantee the payment of the non-refundable application fee
Application documents should be sent in electronic form via e-mail to: f_romant@mail.ru
Application deadline: May 15, 2013
Telephone: + 7985193 24 82 from 10. 00. to 20. 00.
Application fees:
The fee for solo performers (including Mastery of music pedagogy contestants) is USD 100.
The fee for the ensemble is USD 70 for each participant. The fee is to be paid in cash on the day of registration. Please guarantee the payment of the fee on your application form. The fee is not refundable.
Application fee does not cover any expenses associated with the competition participants’ trip to Moscow (travel, accommodation, meals). The organizing committee is happy to assist in arranging the participants’ stay at a hotel in Moscow.
The Jury:
The international jury includes prominent musicians and professors of leading conservatories and musical academies from around the world. The winners will be identified through an impartial and objective judgment. The jury reserves the right to suspend performance in the event of an excessive violation of the time limits. The jury has the right not to award all the prizes or award certain prizes to be shared between several participants. The decision of an independent international jury cannot be appealed.
Results of the competition:
The winners in each category and age group will be awarded Winners’ Diplomas (I, II, III, IV place) and Honorable mention.
The winners will be awarded prizes.
Each participant receives a certificate of participation in the international competition.
The winners of the competition will take part in the gala concert of the competition.
Information about the competition:
e-mail: f_romant@mail.ru
Telephone: + 7 985 193 24 82 from 10.00 to 20. 00.
Artistic director:
Tamara Rusanova, Ph.D., Distinguished Fellow in the Arts of Russia, winner of International competitions, Professor of Piano performance, Gnessins Russian Academy of Music, President of the Russian Schubert Society, Artistic Director of the Alemdar Karamanov Center for the Promotion of Modern Art.
Director :
Elena Klochkova, Ph.D., Honorary Worker of Culture of Moscow, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chair of the Department of Instrumental Performance, Dean of the Faculty of World Music Culture at the State Classical Maimonid Academy, Winner of International Competitions, General Director of the Alemdar Karamanov Center for the Promotion of Modern Art.